Malaysian Filmmaker, Amir Muhammad

The busy director takes time off to talk about the film, which is a travelogue, documentary, political satire and musical all rolled into one, and that succinctly tracies the history of Communism and its perpetrator in Malaysia Chin Pengin one bite-sized 90 minute tour de force.

Say Cheese!

With Singapore’s national broadsheet establishing its interactive portal to promote “citizen journalism”, we have seen an influx of readers’ photos and news tip offs. Readers come up with the most bizarre stuff, like a multitude of car crashes, people getting trapped in loos, sewer rats, people sleeping on trains—content that is quirky perhaps, but is […]

Week of November 10, 2006

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): “Talent hits a target no one else can hit,” said German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. “Genius hits a target no one else can see.” That could and should apply to you, Scorpio, at least during the month of November. I believe that you have a heightened ability to access special talents that […]

Plugged In

2006 was a great year for tech gadgets. We take a look at the hottest, most useful and, of course, the coolest.