Celebrate Christmas 2024 with these delicious edible gifts

Christmas is time of joy and giving. Pick up the following edible gifts for your loved ones this festive season, or get them for your own holiday table. EN Group EN Group‘s eight different concepts – Abrui-EN, Ka-En Grill and Sushi Bar, Monster Curry and Monster Kiwami, Planet, Nikutosake, Tamago-EN, Tonkatsu ENbiton, and Wa-EN […]
Eat New in December: Indulgent brunches to end 2024 on a high

’Tis the time to celebrate, which is why these indulgent brunches are a great way to bring your loved ones together and toast to another year gone by. Sushisamba It’s never a sleepy peaceful Saturday at Sushisamba’s highly acclaimed Copacabana Brunch. Quite the opposite in fact, as diners are treated to a celebration like […]
What to look out for when buying lights

Downlights, spotlights, track lights – if these terms leave you scratching your head, you’re not alone. While we’ve all heard how lighting can elevate or sabotage our renovation efforts, the terminology can be overwhelming, especially for first- time homeowners. That’s why we turned to Sol Luminaire’s senior marketing executive, Poh Cheng Kit, to share his […]