Five ongoing visual art shows not to be missed

Pythagoras • The latest work by talented artist and filmmaker Ho Tzu Nyen is built around the notions of veils and ventriloquism to brilliant effect, consisting single channel videos and sculptures. Through Dec 15. Michael Janssen Gallery (Gillman Barracks), #02-21, 9 Lock Rd., 6734-8948. Free.

A Way of Life • Photographs from the Leica Collection • Outstanding photography exhibition featuring original prints by the legendary Henri Cartier-Bresson, Constantine Manos, René Burri and Klavdij Sluban, among many others. Through Dec 31. Asian Civilisations Museum, 1 Empress Place, 6332-7798. Free.

The Art of Collecting • The showcase includes 19 masterpieces by European masters such as Botticelli, Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Monet, Modigliani and Picasso. Through Dec 31. Singapore Pinacothèque de Paris, Fort Canning Centre, Cox Terrace. $12-15 from SISTIC.  

Surreal Reality • Impressionistic black-and-white photographs by American Rodney Smith, whose famous piece from 1995, “Don Jumping Over Hay Rool”, is a testament to his wonderful compositions and craft.  Through Jan 5 2014. Fost Gallery (Gillman Barracks), #01-02, 1 Lock Rd., 6694-3080. Free.

Singapore Biennale 2013 • This year’s much-anticipated edition of the Singapore Biennale brings together the best and most thought-provoking pieces from around Southeast Asia and farther afield. Through Feb 16 2014, 10am. Bras Basah Bugis Precinct. $10.