“I don’t think I will ever get used to the idea of people recognizing me and knowing my name outside my hometown”: an interview with Adam Young aka Owl City

You’re often described as deeply shy and introverted. How’s it like being popular?
It is a really weird concept to me because I still am that “deeply shy and introverted” kind from a small town. I don’t think I will ever get used to the idea of people recognizing me and knowing my name outside my hometown.

Are you even a fan of fast cars?
Cars are actually a major passion of mine. Adding fast cars and racing together is a dream.

Excited to rub shoulders with the likes of Rihanna and Justin Bieber?
They are such major international stars that I am humbled to be sharing a stage with them.

How do you juggle between Owl City and your other solo projects like Port Blue and Swimming With Dolphins?
Currently, Owl City has taken the majority of my time. Everything else has just been side projects and different outlets for me to express different forms of music and art.

You have plenty of touring members. The more the merrier?
Creating the music has always been a singular task but when I perform, it’s a different experience. I wanted fans to get something they couldn’t get from just listening to the album. I like that the live show is a bit more of a loud rock show.

Anyone you’d love to collaborate with?

What’s on your playlist?
Right now, I’m so behind in music. I have just gotten off tour so I am not sure what new music is out.

What would you be doing if you’re not a music artist?
Probably working at a gas station, or still at my first job—loading boxes at the Universal Postal Service store.

Small town dude with a twist of fate that got you to where you are today. Inspiring. If there’s something you’d change, what would that be?
Nothing.  I get to do something I love everyday.  It’s not even work to me.  It’s just fun and who wouldn’t want that?

Most outrageous fan mail?
Someone sent me cereal once. That was pretty outrageous… outrageously awesome.

Owl City performs at The Closing Concert at The Padang on Sep 23. Tickets at $98 – $4226.50 from the F1 Singapore Grand Prix website.