Nida Seah

What to buy from the Mugler H&M collection: Our top 10 picks

On your own sweet time: Head to Sugar K Peel Bar for 20-min express facials

5 self-care tips for better mental health, every day

Hot styles for hot weather by Marks & Spencer

SRT’s Shakespeare in the Park returns this May 2023 with ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’

A refreshed Wisma Atria welcomes shoppers with mobile app, refurbished interior and new tenants

Singapore’s live music scene takes flight with Blackbird at Gillman Barracks

Coffee, caviar, cocktails: 5 limited-time menus and pop-ups for an indulgent May 2023

Catch ’em while you can: Ride Pokemon-themed cable cars to Mount Faber Peak, Harbourfront and Sentosa

Sounding out Bang & Olufsen’s portable Beosound A5 speaker