Japanese ‘kawaii metal’ band Babymetal to perform at Capitol Theatre in August

, Japanese ‘kawaii metal’ band Babymetal to perform at Capitol Theatre in August

Hang on to your guitars, because “kawaii metal” band Babymetal is heading our way this August. Brought to you by LAMC Productions, the group will be performing at Capitol Theatre on Aug 20 as part of their ongoing world tour. 

Fans of the genre-defying trio can look forward to the girls’ high-energy performances, electrifying choreography, and the band’s signature blend of J-pop and heavy metal

Get ready to hear hits like “GimmeChocolate!”, “Karate”, “Megitsune” and other badass tracks with punchy riffs and deafening drums. 

Babymetal exploded onto the metal scene back in 2013 as the youngest artistes to perform at Loud Park heavy metal festival in Japan. Since then, they have reached audiences as far as Paris, Cologne  and Montreal with their theatrical live performances. They sold out their North American, UK and Europe tours last year and are now set to bring their unique sound to Singapore.

Tickets are available via Sistic.com.sg.