Band Tortoise Come Out of Their Shell

How has the working process evolved between you guys over the years?
It’s pretty much the same actually, which is very slow (laughs). How it works is, for the majority of the recordings, we will try to expand on them during rehearsals before recording them in the studio, or not. It’s a process of going back and forth—developing the tunes— before we’re all finally happy with it.
So you guys are in a more comfortable place right now?
Yeah, we were in a really dark place a few years ago—pitch black even—and the sound reflected that. These days, we tend towards the sunny stuff. But that doesn’t mean that the upcoming set will be less exciting. There’ll still be lots of melody and great dynamics…
What do you think of the rest of the wannabe post-rock musicians out there?
I agree that there is way too much music and way too many “musicians” today. But for us, music’s in our DNA—it’s like breathing—there’s no question about it. No motivations, no intentions, we just do.
What have you guys been listening to lately?
Right now, I’m in a phase of not listening to anything…
Famous last words?
Enjoy yourself.
Be quick to check out Tortoise before tickets sell out on Mar 17, 7:30pm. Esplanade Concert Hall, $40-80.