Five Emerging Singapore Bands to Watch

Amnesia Haze
Who: Five-man band headed by vocalist Kenneth Ong and guitarists Liao Ruiyi and David Bob Yeo.
What sound: Progressive rock with shimmering guitar riffs.
Where: Lepa(r)k.

Charlie Lim
Who: One of our most introspective troboadours yet.
What sound: Soulful pop, folk-rock and neo-soul/R&B influenced by the likes of Jeff Buckley, Damien Rice and D’Angelo.
Where: Sub-Sonic.

Dream State Vision
Who: A solo project initiated by sound artist Shaun Sankaran.
What sound: Processed guitar in cyclical chord structures by way of Brian Eno, resulting in trippy, prolonged ambient pieces.
Where: Intimate, one-off performances at private homes for the next two months. Announcements will be made via Facebook or email for details.

In Each Hand a Cutlass
Who: Guitarist Daniel Sassoon and ongoing team of different collaborators including keyboardist Amanda Ling and guitarist Sujin Thomas.
What sound: Loud, majestic soundscapes in the vein of Porcupine Tree and Sigur Ros.
Where: Lepa(r)k.

Who: Five-piece band who performed at the last Sub-Sonic gig.
What sound: Lush, emotive folk-rock that’s actually compelling.
Where: Lepa(r)k.