Interview: Alan Bates of The World’s Greatest Comedy Hypnotist

People tend to get puzzled about comedy hypnosis. Tell us more about this concept of hypnosis and it’s objective?
There are several aspects to bear in mind with hypnosis. Hypnosis itself is psychological and then there is the comedy aspect. When fused together, the outcome is a very, very funny stage show. Several willing volunteers are hypnotised and make suggestions to their deep subconscious and when they wake up they will automatically carry out the suggestions given.

What’s the most bizarre occurrence with one of your participants?
Like a finger print, every one of my shows is unique. Even though the show is highly polished you never know how the participants will react when they are put to task. It’s live and unrehearsed and the hypnotic induction is demonstrated live for the audience to see.

What’s your ritual just before a performance?
I have a serious ritual that I do before each show. While treading the boards back stage I clear my mind and ask the great architect of the universe and hypnotic gods to watch over me and it works. Just as important at the end of the show I always say thanks.

Are there any requirements for participants to ensure the hypnosis works?
The more people in the audience usually the more the participants for me to work with. In a large theatre with a grand stage I will work with about 12 people and smaller venues 6 is a great number to play with.

How funny do you think you are?
I have mastered this concept and have 30 years stage experience so I must be doing something right. I let the audience decide if I am funny or not.

Are there any fears about something going completely wrong or disastrous on stage?
I ensure before I start work that everything is in place, the sound equipment, props, ambience and more. This limits the chances of problems that may arise.

How would you describe your personality off-stage?
My personality off stage is very similar to on stage. I have a very cheeky demeanour which has carried me through life pleasantly so far.

Can this therapy really help smokers quit? How do you answer your critics who think it’s nothing but a conjob?
It’s a really powerful tool when used professionally for therapeutic uses. I have helped hundreds of people to stop smoking however they must want to really stop for it to work. Regarding critics, once they witness my abilities it changes their whole mindset to hypnosis.

How self-conscious are you?
I am very self-conscious and my radar is always on to ensure I am ready to react to anything that my crazy life can project at me.

If there’s someone you’d love to hypnotize, who would it be?
One person I would have loved to hypnotise would have been Albert Einstein. Who knows what other amazing things he could have done with the power of his mind?

Alan Bates, The World’s Greatest Comedy Hypnotist performs from Nov 28-30 at Aquanova. Tickets at $48-$58 from Sistic.