Interview: Brett Harding

How do you think the dating scene in Singapore compares with that of other countries were Lovestruck has a presence (like London and Hong Kong)?
There is a certain level of reserve that exists throughout Asia, and Singapore is no different. We’ve seen this firsthand at our events, and had to employ ice breakers to go around introducing singles to one another. We don’t have to do this in the UK! Furthermore, it appears that it’s always down to the man to make the first move. Part of this can be attributed to the ritual of local Singaporean dating. It can be a very slow, drawn-out process.

What would you like to see more of in the Singapore dating scene?
More “chemistry test” dates—coffee dates, lunch dates, after-work dates and during-work dates! Keep it to an hour to see if the chemistry’s there. 

What’s the funniest pickup line you’ve heard?
Guy goes up to girl and says, “Feel that,” pointing to his shirt. “That’s boyfriend material.”

What’s the most interesting success story you’ve seen come of Lovestruck?
My best friend got married from the site last year. Of course, being Best Man gave me the opportunity to plug Lovestruck the whole day!

What should daters never do? What would you say is the biggest turn off?
Key deal-breakers on first dates are body odour, bad breath and rudeness. Not far behind this trifecta of first-date horrors is nose-picking. The final one is a real sign of the times: Your date should be your sole focus for the next few hours, so don’t check your smartphone unless you absolutely have to as it will make them feel unimportant. We’ve all got aspects of ourselves that we’d like to improve—after all, nobody’s perfect—but if you can avoid all of the above, then your chances of first date success look good. To really ensure it’s not a first date fiasco, I advise you to turn up on time, avoid splitting the bill, dancing—if you can’t—and kissing badly.

What’s a guaranteed way to get a man or woman’s attention?
Your eyes are the simplest and easiest way to let someone know that you are interested. A few glances should suffice, but don’t overdo it. Also, try replicating their behaviour to build a connection—even if both of you are sitting far away from each other. Look good and dress well—wear something red—and try and get across this: “I am fun and love my life. Come into my world.”

Brett Harding manages dating website Lovestruck.