Interview: Danny Rogers from Laneway

We heard the Detroit edition of Laneway went great! How was it?
It was one of the greatest musical experiences of my life. To host our event over there with one of the year’s most exciting line ups and see all these local people embrace us… it was like the first Laneway in Singapore which also goes down as a career highlight.

Looks like Laneway is here to stay. Any other territories planed for expansion?
Our plan for Asia is to make Singapore a destination festival and develop the brand into Asia. We see Laneway as being a future Coachella type event of the region.

What’s so special about Laneway in Singapore?
The local people getting so excited about the coolest music on earth and the incredible site.

Biggest challenge about organizing a concert of this magnitude?
Communicating with all markets constantly and keeping everyone on the same page.

Do you miss St. Jerome’s Bar? Tell us more about it and what are some of your fondest memories there?
My favorite memory is when Jerome and I used to drink Melbourne cans in the front bar on a Sunday and host the Summer Series. We had so many laughs, met so many people and spawned a music festival in between.

What do you have to say to the critics of Laneway?
Thank you critics! All opinions help us try and make our event better. There will always be doubters no matter what you do but passion and belief always override any fear of failure.

Any fears about Laneway losing its identity?
Not yet. We are getting a global name so we do need to be careful. 

What do you think Laneway will be ten years from now?
Small, boutique, highly personal, a true customer service experience and possibly multiple days at no larger than 15,000 per day.

Twitter and Facebook is really helping the marketing efforts. What do you make of that?
Social media is key for us and our team in Singapore understands it very very well.

Top songs on your personal playlist right now?
“Tether” by Chvrches and “Old” by Danny Brown.

St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival 2014 takes place at The Meadow, Gardens by the Bay on January 25. Tickets at $150 from Sistic.