Interview: Gomez and Morticia Addams from The Addams Family

Do you have a problem with people finding your family rather alternative?
Gomez: No problem at all. We love to welcome them to our home for grave diggings and late night torture sessions.
Morticia: I feel bad for the people who find us alternative. Their lives are normally lacking imagination and inner life.

How are you coping with your neighbors?
M: Our life of solitude in Central Park keeps us far from neighbors.  We are thankful to be away from any friendly faces that may brighten the day.
G: If by “coping” you mean locking them in the dungeon then we are doing just fine.

Morticia, you look absolutely stunning as always. Would you be so kind as to share your beauty secrets?  
Pain inducing corsets, occasional torture sessions, and staying out of bright sunny weather give me my sickly glow.

How would you define a dream honeymoon?
A long weekend in the Bermuda Triangle with no food or shelter, followed by a couple massage by Thing.
M: A bed of nails in a rat infested, condemned motel, and sharp instruments of death sound like a dream come true.

The kids are not getting any younger. How do you keep tabs on their whereabouts?
We have many chains and shackles to keep the kids away from goodness and close to trouble.
M: On the contrary, I fully expect our children to play in the streets and talk to strangers.  I wouldn’t want to shield them from the horrors of this world.

Looking forward to seeing you on stage. Thanks for your time!
Yes, it was my pleasure. I hope the weather is dreadful and your travel unsafe.
G: You’re unwelcome.

The Addams Family runs through July 28 at Festive Grand Theatre, Resorts World Sentosa. Tickets from SISTIC at $55-$75.