Interview: Robin Goh and Hossan Leong from A French Kiss

How “Singaporean” is this musical revue?
Hossan Leong: Personally, I feel there’s no need to find the “Singaporean” in this show because each song finds you. The audience will identify with each piece on a personal level, finding pieces of their lives in the lyrics. You can be from any country, any culture and still be part of this musical journey.
Robin Goh: Besides the fact that three of the cast members are Singaporean, not much. Of course, having Hossan Leong ups the Singaporean quotient considerably.

Are we similar to the French in any way?
HL: We love food. And if you speak Mandarin, we have similar vowel sounds.
RG: We are as alike as any human beings would be. We all have to eat.

Did you guys ever pick up the language?
HL: I started learning French back in 1988 because it was part of an electronics course that I was doing. Bizarre, right?
RG: I learned it in school, which is also pretty much where I left it.

What’s the biggest challenge doing the show?
HL: Trying not to make each other laugh.
RG: Being heard. The other three actors are very loud.

What do you like about French kissing?
HL: The emotion that’s behind the kiss. It’s very important. Otherwise, a kiss is just a kiss.
RG: It’s wet. Enough said.

A French Kiss in Singapore is on Nov 27-Dec 8, 4pm, 8pm. School of the Arts Drama Theatre. $35-69 from Sistic.