Interview with We Are Scientists

What inspires you on a day to day basis?
Financial need [laughs]. Basically writing songs that will be fun to play live. We’re pretty sensitive to not appearing like assholes on stage so much so that if a song feels wrong or it’s not clicking well when we’re performing we’ll actually drop it altogether.
If you had to choose your favorite record of all time what would it be?
The new Wild Beasts record Smother is what I’m listening to most right now but Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours and David Bowie’s Low would also definitely make it onto my list
How was it recording your fourth studio album Barbara with a new drummer?
Our new drummer Andy Burrows (of Razorlight fame) was in London, me and Keith were in New York and our producer was in LA so it was a pain in the ass to arrange everyone’s schedule. But it ran much more smoothly and amicably than previous records. Andy came in as a very like-minded songwriter and respected what the band had done previously whilst being excited to add to it.
What can fans expect from your gig here?
I think we’re in the height of the process of becoming a really great live band. It definitely helps to have Andy along full-time for the tour because it feels like we have a huge artillery van behind us, driving us on.
Is there anything you’re most looking forward to whilst in Singapore?
My parents travel a lot and Singapore is the one city in Asia that they would consider moving to. The island is definitely a mystery that I’m really excited to explore.
Have a rocking night with We Are Scientists at the Neon Trees—Live in Singapore gig.