Rocky Horror Show: Funny, Sexy & Loud

 As the cult show gears up for its debut staging in Singapore, leads Haley Flaherty and Richard Meek (who play lovebirds Janet and Brad respectively) tell I-S that Rocky Horror Show is above all, a lesson on being the person you want to be.
What does it take for you to get into character?
Haley Flaherty: It’s so easy. I just do the vocal exercises and stretches, head into makeup and wardrobe and I’m her! It’s so much fun.
Richard Meek: The minute I’ve got my glasses on, I’m Brad—it’s so quick.
Really. So what’s your favorite scene?
HF: I’d say my favorite bit is the opening of Act Two, which has the bedroom scenes.
Which character do you like most besides the one you play?
HF: I quite like Riff Raff, the old butler in the castle. He commands the operations and yet he has to submit to Dr. Frank N. Furter.
RM: Of course I like Dr. Frank. He’s just got all the fantastic songs. Anyone would love to play him; he’s so horrible yet so wonderful.
We have to say; the show has quite a reputation here. Aren’t there any moral lessons we can take from it?
HF: It definitely teaches you to always have fun and be what you want to be. It reminds you to really enjoy life.
RM: Yeah, you shouldn’t just hold on to your dreams. The musical visualizes the concept of freedom so well. If you want it, go for it and do it! I have no idea why the show was banned. I understand that some of the topics in it are quite risqué. But while it is sexually free, it is also humorous.
Describe The Rocky Horror Show in three words.
HF: Fun, crazy, different.
RM: Funny, sexy, loud.

Catch the show Jan 5-16, 3pm, 8pm at the Esplanade Theatre, 1 Esplanade Dr., 6828-8377. $68-148 from Sistic.