Scene & Heard: English performances, Beirut Art Fair and more music concerts

Brit Wit
Monty Python and Fawlty Towers legend John Cleese is coming to town on May 4 for a super special performance, just before the hugely anticipated Monty Python reunion in London in July. If you’re a BBC TV addict, Harry Potter fan, or person with a functioning sense of humor, stay tuned at for updates and to snap up tickets. Also riding the Brit wave are TNT Theatre Britain’s Romeo & Juliet (Apr 9-11) and Yes, Prime Minister (May 8-18), both at Raffles Hotel’s Jubilee Hall.

Move Over, Art Stage
We’ve just heard that Beirut Art Fair will make its debut in Singapore this year. Yes, there are already heaps of art shows on the calendar, but this one—simply called Singapore Art Fair—departs from the norm by bringing art from the Middle East, North Africa and A    sia to our shores. From the sneak peek at the 100-gallery-strong art showcase, we already see lots of controversial subjects. Exciting stuff.

March On
Just as we’d wiped out our piggybanks buying tickets to Mosaic, Sing Jazz and Culture Clash festivals, we found out about French pop-rock poster boy -M-, alias Matthieu Chedid and Brit post-punk band White Lies.