State Of The Art: Avant Premiere

The first thing you notice about Art Plural Gallery is its sheer scale. 12,000 sq. ft. of Art Deco vast, to be more precise; making it the perfect place for a new and refreshingly unique outlook on the growing arts scene in South-East Asia.
Despite being open for just a month, within its expansive walls over 20 artists ranging from Picasso to Thierry Drayfus compete for your attention. There’s no specific theme or concept here, just four floors of awesomeness across a myriad of media—light installations sit alongside paintings, while photography nicely contrasts with designer furniture.
More established artists inhabit the top floor, with a small playful Picasso canvas, Barry Flanagan bunnies and a full wall-sized piece by Julian Schnabel. The rest of the gallery embraces more contemporary works from a pleasingly global selection: Drawings by Qui Jie, prints by up-and-coming Pakistani artist Seher Shah, and huge mixed media canvases by Thukral and Tagra from New Delhi.
Not all of the art hangs on walls, however. You may find you want to sit on the comfy-looking chaise longue in the corner, only to discover it’s actually a piece by the international architect Johanna Grawunder. A carbon fiber rocking chair by Israeli industrial designer Rod Arad may also tempt you to rest your weary legs.
The gallery is the brainchild of husband and wife Frédéric and Carole de Senarclens, who humbly insist they are “not here to educate anyone.” Rather, their methodology focuses on the search for excellence, rather than a specific category or price of art. Frédéric is the “eye” of the gallery, choosing new artists and bringing in exclusive designer pieces based on personal taste. The result is a wonderfully eclectic and complementary mix, enough to make any art student or amateur connoisseur drool.
Catch the Avant Première exhibition through Sep 3 at Art Plural Gallery, 38 Armenian St., 6636-8360. Free.