For once, Singaporeans can binge-watch on TV at the same time as the US

Yes, it’s very sad that we can’t get Netflix here. But thankfully, that won’t be a problem this one time. The third season of House of Cards will be available in Singapore on the same day as its release on Netflix. Perhaps even more excitingly, RTL CBS is holding two watchathons this weekend; all 13 chapters will be screened in one go for your binge-watching pleasure.

Keep up with the Underwoods now; here’s hoping that more of our favorite TV shows will forge the same path (Orange is the New Black, anyone?) and reach us at the same time as the States.

The watchathon will begin at 4pm on Sat, Feb 28, and last until 3:30am the next day. An encore screening starts at 9:20am on Sun, Mar 1 and lasts until 9:55pm. If that’s all just too much for you in one sitting (or if you have other plans to take over the world this weekend), the series will air every Wed at 9:55pm starting Mar 4.

RTL CBS Entertainment HD is available on both StarHub TV (Channel 509) and Singtel TV (Channel 318).