Anticipation for the sixth season of Game of Thrones is hitting fever pitch but you won’t have to wait until Apr 24 (or Apr 25 local time) to return to Westeros. The Game of Thrones Experience: Worlds of Westeros takes place at ION Orchard from Apr 2-7, 10am to 10pm daily.

The highlight of the event is Game of Thrones: Ascend the Wall, a 4D virtual reality experience powered by Oculus Rift which will take you on a 700-foot journey to the top of The Wall.

Fans will also have the opportunity to see the actual weapons used on the show, browse through storyboards and concept art, sit on a replica of the Iron Throne and pose with the dragon, Drogon, with the help of a green screen. Admission is free. Head to the HBO Asia website for more information.