One heavily textured painting titled Lilliputians Beach Party depicts tiny figures enjoying a delightful day at the beach with Gulliver. Many are frolicking in the sand, some are swimming, and a few are playing amongst fellow dinosaurs and oversized candy. Another artwork titled Sleepy Afternoon has a cat napping on the window sill, a scene that evokes a sense of quiet comfort and domesticity in contrast to the bright hues of the room.
These paintings by autistic artist Alex Lim are whimsical, quirky and colourful – and often with a touch of humour. They are part of his latest series called Scenes to mark the creation of his 500th painting since he began his artistic journey four years earlier.

And to think Lim is only 19 years old. Also known as The Unskilled Boy, he has already produced 500 paintings, spanning 10 special series, four exhibitions and commissioned works from brands and individual buyers. He is an award winner of Shining HeARTS 2023, organised by North East CDC, and was one of the Individual Artists at the fourth edition of Shaping Hearts art festival last year.

The Scenes series features a mixed-media collection of acrylic paints, impasto, acrylic pens and ink. Taking inspiration from everyday life, the still life and figurative artworks feature an array of backdrops depicting lively outdoor scenes at the beach, park, pool and even the MRT, while moments indoors are quieter and more intimate.

The artworks from Scenes are available on theunskilledboy.com. Each painting comes with an option of four sizes – 26 x 21cm (standard), special orders in 40 x 50cm, 60 x 90cm, and 60 x 121cm. Prices start from $82. Buyers will get a serialised and signed 500th Painting Artist Certificate.