Meet Selleys Liquid Sugar Soap, the powerful kitchen cleaner for every surface

, Meet Selleys Liquid Sugar Soap, the powerful kitchen cleaner for every surface

Cutting through grime on your stove, scrubbing the backsplash and getting your kitchen sink sparkling clean has never been easier – in fact, it can all be done with a single product: Selleys Liquid Sugar Soap.

, Meet Selleys Liquid Sugar Soap, the powerful kitchen cleaner for every surface

This professional-strength, high-performance cleanser cuts through stubborn grease and grime with ease, no matter how heavy your cooking. Those tough curry stains and oily residue on the countertop won’t know what hit them!

Selleys Liquid Sugar Soap comes in a concentrated formula that makes up to 30 litres of cleaning solution when diluted (60 bottles of 500ml) and can also be used neat or concentrated for stubborn stains (with a safe scouring cloth!).

What’s extra convenient is that you can clean various surfaces in your kitchen without the hassle of constantly switching out cleaning products. Ceramic and porcelain tiles, laminates, stainless steel, painted walls and even windows can all be cleaned safely and quickly with Liquid Sugar Soap.

The only materials you’ll want to avoid are brass and aluminium, which may be found in some of your kitchen appliances. Make sure to wipe them immediately if they come in contact with Liquid Sugar Soap!

You’ll also want to rinse glass surfaces thoroughly the remove the product before it dries as it can damage the surface.

Need another top-tier tip? Wear rubber gloves if you have sensitive skin, or just to protect your hands from any roughness after cleaning!

Liquid Sugar Soap vs. DIY cleaning solutions
Out of curiosity, we decided to put Selleys Liquid Sugar Soap to the test and see how it compares to common DIY cleaning solutions, including classics like baking soda. Watch the video below to find out how it went!

Intrigued? Get your very own Liquid Sugar Soap from Selleys at!

This post was brought to you by Selleys.