Third edition of Sweet Charity Month will run from October 1-31

The third edition of Sweet Charity Month is set to run from October 1-31, with 13 participating bars and restaurants such as Bar Stories, Chopsuey Cafe, Extra Virgin Pizza, OCF, OverEasy Bar & Diner and PS.Cafe.

For each of the signature desserts sold at these restaurants, $5 will go to the NUHkids fund, which provides financial assistance for medical treatment and surgery to disadvantaged children. Plus, 30% of proceeds from takeaway whole desserts will go to the NUHkids Fund. The goal is to raise $100,000 this year.

Some dessert options include the warm chocolate brownie sundae ($10) at Extra Virgin Pizza, Tiramisu Gourmand ($18) at OCF, and the orange bread & butter pudding cake ($14.90/slice, $75/whole) at Chopsuey Cafe and PS.Cafe.

The event kicks off with a cocktail gala night on October 1 at OCF hosted by stage veteran Pam Oei. And at the end of the month, on October 31, there’ll be a formal fundraising dinner featuring entertainment by 12 year-old singer Miguel Antonio, and musicians from the Timbre Group.