Onaka (Biopolis)

When the chance came to review new café Onaka (short for Optimum Nutrition and Kitchen Arts)—which specializes in home-cooked and mainly vegetarian dishes—we were more than ecstatic. However, our dining experience here was less than stellar. First of all, its location at The Biopolis is not the most accessible or hippest. Upon our arrival, we were told that the only Asian dish available for the day was Lontong (curry vegetable with rice cakes). Although there were salads, sandwiches and burgers to be had, the menu was very limiting. Thankfully, the food was pretty good. Our smoked salmon and avocado spread sandwich was indeed, one of the freshest we’ve had; while the steamed vegetable gyoza was a perfect palette boost. For those who are watching their weight, the teriyaki chicken salad with its fragrant soy sauce, was the perfect alternative to a sinful bowl of chicken rice.