OK, we’re just going to be honest. We don’t usually trust anything that couples the notion of fast food with words like “wholesome,” “organic” and “healthy,” so it was with our eyebrows raised (and a tongue scraper in our jeans pocket) that we stepped into this new burger joint. The cheerful lights, long wooden benches, fake picket fence and pictures of mouth-watering burgers mounted on the walls reminded us of study weekends spent at McDonald’s. VeganBurg describes its concept as a “fast food revolution”—quick, healthy and delicious (talk about a triple whammy) food and an eco-friendly ambiance. Their burger buns are made of organic wholemeal grains and their patties contain no dairy, gluten, preservatives or trans fat. Best (and cutest) of all, these goodies are all served in environmentally-conscious tin boxes, not unnecessarily wrapped in sheets of paper. The cracked pepper mayo burger beat a lot of the other fast food burgers we’ve tried by a mile. The vegan (read: Mock meat) patty was succulent and had just the right amount of bite and spice to it. Needless to say, this tasty morsel disappeared really quickly. If you’re an onion fan, you’ll like the char-grilled satay version, which was complemented by crisp lettuce, giant onion rings and a spiced peanut sauce. But what we liked best were their seaweed fries, a bowl of lightly-salted chips flavored with a smattering of chopped herbs. We foresee ourselves ordering this each time we have a stay-in movie night. The only thing we’d whine about is them not having any soft drinks (well, naturally). All in all, we’d recommend it to anyone with a conscience and of course, an undying love for burgers.