Interview: Singapore Designer Mae Pang

What can we look forward to?The collection—Let the Weak Say I Am Strong—will bear the label’s signature DNA and tactile touch and see a progression from the acid designs of my diffusion line pH3. The 30-odd piece collection draws inspiration from the strength and fragility of industrial materials, fusing together a palette of midnight ink, brittle porcelain whites and the shine of industrial metal.Thoughts on local fashion? While there has been much headway made in the local retail scene in recent years, more time and effort will be needed to steer the scene to that of an international standing. It’s also heartening to witness more design-centric labels gaining a following here, but there is undeniably a gap for young Singaporean labels to set up shop. The good news is, I believe that our consumers are ready for much more and it will be exciting to see how our retail landscape will morph within the next few years.Future plans?Currently, we have received great interest from several overseas multi-label boutiques and are stocked in several local and international stores in Hong Kong and KL. We are excited and hope to bring the label to more cities such as Korea and London later this year.Any tips for young local fashion designers?Be prepared to work really hard and never let go of your vision. Stay true, grounded and curious.