Trade in your old clothes for new at Carousell’s all-you-can-stuff clothes buffet

In a throwback to the good old days of all-you-can-stuff blogshop warehouse sales, local marketplace app Carousell is organizing a fundraising drive buffet, for you to refresh your wardrobe this end of the month. Happening Apr 28-29, the Carousell Clothes Buffet has one simple rule: Stuff as much as you can in a bag purchased at the sale; and it’s yours to keep.

Before you can do that, though, you’ve got to contribute to the available stash to. Anyone is free to come down from Apr 23-27 and donate their clothes—once you’ve donated, you can purchase ziplock bags of different sizes (ranging from $5 to $15) to use as your shopping bag. The more clothes you donate, the more discounts you’ll be entitled to when purchasing the bags. It’s a great chance to declutter your closet and pick up some new threads sustainably, but also to do your part for charity. All proceeds of the weekend sales along with unsold clothes from the Buffet will be donated to The Salvation Army.

But that’s not all. The Buffet is actually a warm-up event to launch a new initiative from Carousell, where the app will partner with Frasers shopping malls to roll out dedicated meet-up spots within the malls. If you’ve ever used Carousell, chances are you’ve experienced the pain of ghosted transactions and MIA Carousellers; or even just mindless back-and-forth threads of “I’m here, wru?”, and “I’m here too.” The trusted meet-up spots will hence mean safer, easier transactions for Carousellers everywhere, and will be available from Apr 28 for a limited time only.

More details to come soon, but for now we’re emptying out our closet for that long overdue revamp.

The Carousell Clothes Buffet is happening Apr 28-29 at The Centrepoint, Central Atrium.