Q&A with Charley Patton, co-founder of The Yoga Barn

Why a barn?

A barn is a rustic, un-pretentious, come-dressed-as-you-are kind of place. And our buildings are all traditional, craftsman-style, created with reclaimed structures and recycled wood, all within the cultural and local aesthetic of Bali. So we truly resemble an Indonesian version of a barn.

How common is this kind of place in Bali now?

We opened the Barn in 2007. But in the last five years in particular, the wellness industry in Bali has grown exponentially.  Yoga studios, retreat centers, eco-villages, organic farming operatives, fair trade clothing manufacturers and health-conscious restaurants have popped up everywhere to meet the demand. I see Bali becoming the spiritual epicenter of Southeast Asia. 

Who might we find at The Yoga Barn?

People from all countries and all cultures. On a typical day we have anywhere from 250-350 people coming through our open doors.  We offer the ultimate “Yogic Buffet” for the spiritually inclined tourist. Whether a complete beginner, an experienced practitioner, or somewhere in between, we have something on offer. Everyone who has a body can do yoga.