I-S Xperience Nature Calls: In which we eat our vegetables

It’s quite an expedition getting out to the Kranji Countryside. But it was worth the schlep to visit D’Kranji Farm Resort for our most recent I-S Xperience: Nature Calls over the weekend. We checked into cozy rooms (each complete with a nice little terrace) and then toured the farm grounds, offering everything from sweet potato leaves to corn, okra and chives.

After, we gathered for a barbecue dinner: Otak-otak, chicken wings, satay, crab sticks and meat balls. There was plenty of food, but it didn’t include any vegetables. So we got started searching for some of that lovely produce we saw in the fields. We eventually found a food cart (just before the vendor closed up for the night) and snagged ourselves some okra, corn and bananas (for dessert). If you head down, we highly recommend doing the same. Nothing beats just-picked produce. An outdoor dinner, great company (those six readers who won the resort stay were a hoot) and a couple of beers: All the makings of a memorable evening.