Daryl Aiden Yow is back. The influencer-photographer was effectively cancelled in 2018 after it was discovered he had passed off digitally altered and photoshopped stock images as his own.
Yow has since kept a low profile after issuing an apology and removing all photos from his Instagram feed. In 2021, he set up an online bakery, Absolutely Batter, selling cookies, tarts and festive snacks.
Now moving past this controversy, he has collaborated with electricity retailer Geneco and Singapore’s largest thrift store, Refash, to create a series of photos to spread awareness about mental health in Singapore.
Through a series of photographs shot at NPark’s nine Therapeutic Gardens, the #MySecretGarden campaign hopes to show people how nature can improve one’s mental well-being.
SG Magazine caught up with Yow on how the controversy had affected his mental health, what he learnt from the public backlash and his thoughts on the collaboration with Geneco and Refash.

How do you feel to be back in the spotlight since the controversy in 2018?
To be very honest, when I first received news that I was chosen to be part of this campaign, it was a bittersweet feeling! I felt extremely honoured, but at the same time, self-doubt started to trickle in and I started to worry if I’d be able to pull such a huge campaign off. But right now that I’m at the finish line, I’m of course, only filled with gratitude and joy.
How did the public backlash in 2018 over your work affect your mental health? What inspired you to get back out to do work again?
It took a huge toll on my mental health. I started getting paranoid wherever I went and every other time my friends would send me a link to something interesting, my heart would sink thinking it’s another bad article about me. I lost all my self-esteem and self-worth.
But I knew that that was not the way my story would end and that I still had a lot to create and tell. What also gave me a lot of encouragement was the people who were still following me despite everything. I was told by a close friend that the fact that I still had an audience proved that there were still people rooting for me, and I shouldn’t let them down.
Having Geneco, who is so welcoming and willing to work with me despite all that had happened, provided me with the support and opportunity to prove myself again.

How are you able to use what you have learnt from the controversy and turn it into supporting brands to advocate for mental health?
Looking back, the controversy was a blessing in disguise for me, in a warped way. It taught me to be grateful and grounded. I also learned to not believe how I thought of myself when in crisis. Instead, I take a step back, process the situation and do some self-reflection – and that’s what I’m advocating for in this campaign with Geneco.
Partnering with Geneco allowed me to channel my creativity and passion for photography into a project that not only showcases the beauty of Singapore’s green spaces but also promotes mental well-being, a topic very close to my heart.
By reimagining the Therapeutic Gardens through my lenses, I hope to inspire Singaporeans to embrace nature’s tranquillity and experience its therapeutic effects. It’s a way for me to advocate for mental health by encouraging people to step outside, appreciate the outdoors, and find solace in the healing power of nature.

Could you explain to us a bit more about your photographs for this campaign by sharing one or two examples of how these photos were shot and what they represent?
The main theme for this series is to create a whimsical world where stress and everything bad in the world does not exist. There was only nature and I. It was tougher editing the photos than photographing them.
For example, the photo of me on the bench with fireflies was shot in multiple layers to create a glow effect on me and my surroundings. Shooting this particular photo took approximately 20 minutes. After which, I spent four hours editing the photo by artificially painting fireflies into the photo, colour-grading the different layers of photos, whilst also darkening my surroundings further, rearranging the placements of the fireflies, etc. It was a whole process!

What are your thoughts about Geneco’s #MySecretGarden campaign (despite being an electricity retailer) and Refash’s involvement?
Geneco’s #MySecretGarden campaign is a wonderful initiative that goes beyond its core business. It aligns with their brand purpose to Power The Change and demonstrates their commitment to generating positivity within communities by promoting mental well-being and encouraging Singaporeans to appreciate the therapeutic effects of nature.
By partnering with Refash, a brand focused on sustainable fashion, they bring together two different industries to create a unique collaboration that highlights the importance of both mental health and environmental sustainability.
This joint effort showcases the power of cross-industry partnerships in creating meaningful and impactful campaigns. It’s truly inspiring to see brands like Geneco and Refash come together to advocate for important causes and engage the community in a creative and meaningful way.

What is your advice for those wanting to use their photographs to inspire others like how you did within this campaign?
I think the most important thing when it comes to wanting to inspire others with a photo series is the message and theme. I knew right from the get-go that calmness in a magical garden was the main element that I wanted to work on and so the entire creation process was very seamless.
Making a connection
Leading electricity retailer Geneco is known for powering electricity to homes and businesses in Singapore. Through the #MySecretGarden campaign, Geneco wants to show that organisations can pave the way to embrace the topic of mental wellness, and highlight its importance in our everyday lives. The campaign aims to help Singaporeans find their “haven of happiness” and experience the healing benefits of NPark’s Therapeutic Gardens. “We chose to engage with Daryl not just because of his immense talent for photography, but because of his personal experience that he has described as the toughest time of his life,” says Alex Chan, head of brand communications and marketing at Geneco. “Together and through the creative lenses of Daryl, we hope to project our interpretations of the nine Therapeutic Gardens, intrigue more people with these photos, and engage them through the initiative”. Geneco will also donate $10,000 to the Garden City Fund to support the participation of Therapeutic Horticulture Programmes amongst beneficiary groups. |

See the photos Daryl Aiden Yow shot for this collaboration at Funan (Basement 2, 107 North Bridge Road, Singapore 179105) until Jul 23. After Jul 23, Daryl’s photos will continue to be displayed at selected Refash outlets (Chinatown Point, Funan Mall, and Tampines 1) until the end of Jul. For more information, visit mysecretgarden.sg.