Interview: Grace Clapham

I love Singapore because it is home and many of my old friends who went to school with me here have returned.
Being half Indonesian and half Australian, Singapore offers me the best of both worlds.
People say New York has the best food in the world, but I think Singapore does.
My passion is inspiring young creative entrepreneurs and businesses to take action and make change, no matter how big or small it is.
There are many people and businesses moving in from the West to set up in Singapore who don’t really understand how different things work here.
We can’t just put Western ideas at the forefront. We need to mesh them with Singapore’s cultural roots and also work with the neighboring countries.
I love to surround myself with people who inspire me and with whom I can share my ideas.
I have idolized my late father since I was a young girl. My aim is to be like him both personally and professionally.
I look up to people who are really passionate in doing what they love, and those who take risks. I’m a big fan of the marketing guru Seth Godin, as well as Noah Brief.
One of my aims this year is to have more time to myself and not always live out of a suitcase. I like to spend my off days eating with friends, going to music events, doing yoga and sitting by the pool.
People who are negative and complain all the time but never do anything to change themselves or the situation piss me off. I hate that!
The measure of success is all up to the individual. For me it’s making a life that you want to live.
If you want to be successful, you need passion, drive, motivation and the will to keep going to matter what.
You shouldn’t compare yourself to others. Keep an eye out on what your competitors are doing but don’t worry too much about it.
I live every day as fully as I can and am thankful for everything I have achieved.
I’m always hoping that every little thing I do makes a difference either in my own life or someone else’s.