Interview: Kissy Sell Out

I like it hard when it comes to… BASSLINES! I love the feeling of my body shaking from a loud and bassy sound system.
The last time I danced… I’m dancing right now! A good DJ should always be dancing.
To work up the crowd, I… like to create a bit of tension, play with people’s expectations, share the moment with the audience and enjoy the night together.
My last best gig was… too many to chose from, I’m very lucky to travel to so many cool places. I just finished a mini-tour of the US where I played places like Detroit for the first time.
My poison of choice is… an icey mojito. Or anything with a lot of sugar in as I have a big sweet tooth.
Girls to me are… beautiful, elegant and mysterious.
When the going gets tough… you up your game and get tougher.
Fash Bash feat. Kissy Sell Out is on April 13, 10pm at The Butter Factory.