Interview: Patrick Oliver

The Mayans predicted that the world would end in 2012. What are three tracks you would play to quell the apocalypse?
If those Mayans are right I’m going to be pissed. Dead, yes, but pissed none the less. I haven’t even been bungee jumping yet! Given their success in predicting small pox 500 years ago, I’d say we are safe. However, in the event that I’ve got to calm the supernatural powers that be with some wicked tunes, the tracks would be Frankie Knuckles & Jamie Principle’s “Your Love,” Orbital’s “Halcyon + On + On” and anything by Luther Vandross.

If your mixes took the form of a woman, she would be…
A half-Irish, half-Brazilian supermodel drinking a bottle of Patron and driving a stolen Ferrari down the wrong side of the road at 4am on a Tuesday.

Your preferred BPM…
That’s a tough one. Really depends on the mood and setting, but to average it out I would say 129 BPM.

Strangest display of affection you have received from a fan…
Midway during a set, someone comes up to me and says, “I really want you to meet my uncle. He’s a priest, you guys should talk.”

Perfect meals for the New Year season…
New Year’s Eve, I’d have to say a prime piece of beef from Cut at Marina Bay Sands. New Year’s Day would be a home delivery of anything unhealthy and fried, with two aspirins.

How do you stay pumped up for your massive sets?
Vodka, vodka and more vodka.

What kind of a night can Pangaea punters expect?
Outrageously good-looking partygoers, music that keeps you dancing until sunrise and a night that’ll have you coming back week after week.
Boudoir Bash takes place at Pangaea, December 31, 10pm.