Singapore Writers Festival 2024: Close encounters of the literary kind

, Singapore Writers Festival 2024: Close encounters of the literary kind
From left: Piers Torday (photo: David Shoukry), Gregory Pardlo (photo: Marco Giugliarelli) and Gabrielle Wang (photo: James Braund)

Singapore Writers Festival (SWF 2024) is back with its 27th edition from Nov 8 to 17. This year’s theme, In Our Nature, explores what it means to be human, as well as our relationship with nature as humans, writers, readers, and global citizens.

Presented by Arts House, look forward to 300 local and international presenters, Signature Programmes include Literary Pioneers, Youth Fringe, SWF Playground, SEA xChange (previously SEA Focus), Country Focus, and SWF In Conjunction. 

There will also be more than 200 thought-provoking programmes, including several that address climate emergencies, as well as conversations between generations. Among these are activities for children, seniors, and everyone in between, making the festival accessible to a wide audience. 

Our selection of 25 programmes, including several interactive ones, represents a mere cross-section of the diverse variety of programming this year.


1. A World of Words: Exploring Dan Ying’s Poetry

In Singapore’s Chinese literary scene, Lew Poo Chan, better known as Dan Ying, stands out prominently. Born in Malaysia in 1943, she settled in Singapore with her family in 1974 and later received the Singapore Cultural Medallion in 1996. Her poetry spans from the 1960s to the 1990s and is influenced by both Western and Eastern classical literature. This bilingual touring exhibition provides a glimpse into her world of words and celebrates her influence on literature. Admission: Free


2. After the Fire: Masterclass Talk with Gregory Pardlo

Wildfires occur in nature to maintain ecological balance, just as destructive forces in our lives can devastate us and also make us more resilient. Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Gregory Pardlo discusses how deep personal poems can emerge from our reality, cultures, and histories. Admission: Single Ticket


3. Balancing Act: Humans, Animals and Conservation

Discover the significance of conservation efforts and the vital role of animals in our ecosystem in this enlightening panel discussion. An expert panel discusses how animals contribute to nature’s balance, human well-being, and biodiversity, and emphasises the need for collective efforts to protect endangered species. Admission: Festival Pass


4. Beyond Multiculturalism: Being Intercultural in Singapore

Four talented Singaporeans who are experts in art forms outside their ethnic cultures participate in an intercultural panel and performance session: a Chinese calligrapher who is Malay, a Chinese tabla percussionist, an Indian xinyao composer-singer, and a Javanese dancer and gamelan performer who is Chinese. Their dialogue focuses on what being truly intercultural means in multicultural Singapore. After the conversation, each panellist will present a brief demonstration of their respective art forms. Admission: Festival Pass


5. Discover A Thousand Wonders with Geronimo and Thea Stilton

Take note, kids! Topazia’s Geronimo Stilton and Thea Stilton are here for a special visit! Explore Italy’s rich cultural and artistic heritage with Geronimo as he shares tales from his book A Thousand Wonders. The first 200 ticket holders to queue up will meet Geronimo and Thea after the storytelling for an autograph and photo. Children under the age of seven must be accompanied by an adult; both adults must have tickets. Admission: Single Ticket


6. Ecopoetry: Mapping Out Our Relationship with Nature

We can enhance our relationship with our environment by singing praises for its natural beauty through ecopoetry. In addition, it addresses pertinent issues such as deforestation, pollution and overconsumption. Here, poets from different cultures share their contemplative writings about how we interact with nature. Admission: Festival Pass


7. Evolution Anthems

An eclectic line-up of diverse artists, spanning genres from pop and R&B to indie rock and soul, show how they have built upon the musical influences of past generations to carve out their unique sounds and styles. Admission: Free


8. Festival Keynote Talk: Dee Lestari

This is in Malay. For most of us, mastering one form of storytelling is hard enough. But Indonesian writer and musician Dee Lestari is an expert in multiple genres and media. Her award-winning work includes bestselling novels, albums, and film adaptations. Dee discusses how she brings human emotions and experiences to life through her multi-form approach to art.
Admission: Festival Pass


9. Forest of Rhymes Jenggala Rima

Malaysian musician, writer, and performer Wani Ardy will share her experience creating works in multiple genres and languages in this Malay language workshop. Participants also get to develop a rangkap, or four-line rhyming verse with her, and learn the secret to writing evocative and emotional lyrics.
Admission: Single Ticket

Wani Ardy
Wani Ardy (photo: Sufian Abas)

10. Fright Night: Tales from the Unknown

Immerse yourself in horror and mystery with master storytellers. Write tales that haunt the mind and keep readers on edge with this panel that peels back the layers of fear. Perfect for those who love suspense.
Admission: Festival Pass


11. Create your own picture book alongside Australian Children’s Laureate (2022 – 2023), Gabrielle Wang

Through fun writing and drawing exercises, each participant will walk away with a draft of their own story. This programme is recommended for ages eight to 12. Tickets are required for children aged seven and under accompanied by an adult. Admission: Single Ticket


12. Imaginary Realms: The Magic of Supernatural Stories

As three popular Singapore authors explore the allure of supernatural narratives, they share how otherworldly stories offer escapism and insight into human nature. They also discuss creating worlds grounded in reality and liberally sprinkled with fantastical elements, while crafting memorable and impactful non-human characters. You’ll leave believing in the power of the supernatural. Admission: Festival Pass


13. Jewels of Pantun Pantun Delima

A jewel’s beauty and adamantine quality are similar to those of the original pantun (Malay verse used to express intricate ideas and emotions) by Shahril Samri, Kelana Pantun Temasek, and Khaziah Yem. Traditional Malay musicians transform their work into songs and syair (four-line stanzas in Malay). Admission: Single Ticket


14. Meet the Author: Shehan Karunatilaka

For Shehan Karunatilaka, unravelling Sri Lanka’s tumultuous past seemed easier than tackling its equally complicated present. This thought inspired his 2022 Booker Prize winner The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida. The Sri Lankan author and Singaporean poet Pooja Nansi discuss the fleeting nature of memory and finding humour even in the throes of violence. Admission: Single Ticket


15. Midnight Treasure: A Talk with Piers Torday

Popular children’s author Piers Torday reveals details on his latest, Midnight Treasure, inspired by a map of a mysterious fantasyland hand-drawn by his dad, Paul Torday, also an author. Recommended for children between six and 12, it teaches them how to create epic fantasy stories filled with imagination. Children aged seven and under must be accompanied by an adult. A ticket is required for each child attending the event. Admission: Single Ticket


16. Nature and Tamil Literature: A Youth Symposium with Theodore Baskaran

Discover the intrinsic connection between nature and Tamil literature. Conservationist Theodore Baskaran addresses the importance of nature discourses in Tamil for environmental advocacy, while youths present the role of nature in Tamil classical, local, diasporic and film writing. Admission: Free

Theodore Baskaran
Theodore Baskaran (photo: Ranjan Kamath)


17. Picture This: Using Graphics and Comics to Convey Universal Concerns

Graphics and comics are becoming increasingly effective tools for communication in an increasingly visual world. A panel of sequential artists discuss and analyse the potential of using these elements to address pressing national and global concerns. Admission: Festival Pass


18. Planet in Focus: Strategies for Environmental Sustainability

In this conversation, academics provide insightful guidance on how Singapore and the world can take meaningful steps to address pressing environmental challenges, and illuminate practical solutions for a more sustainable future. Admission: Festival Pass


19. Poetic Tongues: Traditional Poetry in Chinese, Malay and Tamil

Witness how the pantun, shijing, or anthaathi intersect. Learn more about the rhyme schemes, metaphors, joyful wordplay and more of these age-old poetic forms in Chinese, Malay, and Tamil as these panellists discuss traditional poetry, as well as the nuances behind their complex yet profound structures.
Admission: Festival Pass


20. Same, Same but Different: SEA Tales

In what ways do Southeast Asian (SEA) writers share their cultures, histories, and lived experiences through storytelling? Join these writers as they discuss their unique styles and techniques for crafting SEA tales, ranging from interconnected short stories to illustrated narratives. Admission: Festival Pass


21. She Draws the Line: Women Revolutionising the Comic World

Join some of the fiercest female creators in the industry as they redefine the vibrant world of comics. The panellists share their stories and offer fresh takes on smashing through the barriers in graphic novels. As dynamic and colourful as comics themselves, this conversation should delight aspiring artists and fans alike. Admission: Festival Pass


22. Singaporean Shenanigans

Let this vibrant mix of stand-up comedy and poetry readings take you through the heart of Singaporean culture, where speakers dish universal quirks of human nature set against the vibrant backdrop of the Lion City. Admission: Free


23. Stories of Nurture: Perspectives on Special Needs and Child Development

Growing up with special needs involves many challenges, whether medical, educational, or emotional. Learn about the complex experiences behind child development and education for individuals with special needs in this Tamil conversation. Admission: Free


24. Tech Talks: When Finance and Tech Got Lit

Welcome to the world of cryptocurrencies and super apps, where technology transforms finance and our everyday lives. The authors explain how to demystify techspeak and business concepts for laypeople, and also how artistic devices (like metaphors and illustrations) can help illuminate seemingly complex concepts. Admission: Festival Pass


  1. Festival Closing Debate: This House believes that life in plastic is fantastic

In keeping with tradition, SWF 2024 concludes on a high note with the Festival Closing Debate: This House. It  wraps up the topics discussed over the past two weekends with a humorous discussion about humanity’s overconsumption of plastic and the contradiction between real and fake. We fill our lives, our bodies, and landfills with plastic. Is it possible to live without plastic and what are the contradictions between fake and real? Hear from the teams – The Plastics and The Authenticators. Admission: Single Ticket

Tickets to all of the above and other great programmes and activities are available at and will be issued digitally. 

The Festival Pass ($30) provides access to all SWF programmes, except Single Ticketed Programmes ($10 to $30). The Youth Pass ($15) provides access to all Festival Pass programmes, except content advisories. A valid student card is required for on-site verification.Save 20 percent on any of the above until Oct 14.