If you’ve always wanted to realise your ideas in writing but never knew how, here’s your chance to get published, sans the heavy lifting.
This Sep-Oct, participate in The Serial Short Story Project by The Arts House, an ongoing experiment in serialised fiction where members of the public are invited to contribute and create a collaborative work via the crowdsourcing of ideas, live streaming and upvoting.
The rules are simple: every Sunday evening across the months of September and October, accomplished authors Suffian Hakim and Xie Shi Min will engage with readers via Reddit AMAs as well as Facebook Live to discuss plotlines and characters; decide lines of dialogue and worldbuilding elements; as well as debate relevant pointers. The completed story will then be published online at the end of each month as chapters are released every Friday.

Credit: The Arts House
Having kicked off the September edition, Hakim is now working on a comedy-horror piece that elicits feedback from one of the two platforms every weekend. With one official Reddit AMA session already completed, the title and plot has been revealed. Named The House Next Door, get excited for a timely tale about a family that moves into an old, three-room flat in Yishun following the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Already got your creative juices flowing? Then join in the upcoming session via Reddit AMA this Sunday at 8pm (Sep 13) to contribute your suggestions.
But say your ideas aren’t chosen for this month’s short story, don’t be disheartened. During the month of October, Xie will be delving into the world of science fiction in a similar format as she remains open to new proposals too.
As the virtual discussions and chapters progress, expect to be able to read them online. And like we said before, this will be your opportunity to put your name on the map since readers whose suggestions are used will be acknowledged by name. Just get cracking and start experimenting here.
The Serial Short Story Project will run from Sep-Oct 2020. More information available here.