Erdinger Oktoberfest 2006

Foods, drinks and parties are small joys in life. And with the myriad of events, German delicacies prepared by Vila’ge and the endless supply of wheat beer Erdinger at this year’s Erdinger Oktoberfest 2006, be prepared to be elated. Hit China Square Central, and various restaurants, pubs and bars to see what the buzz is all about.
A street parade and a keg tapping ceremony at China Square Central on Oct 12 mark the beginning of the Erdinger Oktoberfest 2006, which is organized by Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore. Unicyclists, bar maids, jugglers, stilt walkers and a six piece German band Hüttenpower will get the party going, while pork knuckles, sausages and roast spring chickens promise to keep your stomach happy.
China Square Central will still be a place of celebration from Oct 13-15. Make friends with strangers as you partake in fun games designed to get you rolling with laughter. There will (not to worry) still be lots of yummy German food and beer to get your head spinning. Otherwise, hit various party areas such as Le Baroque, Timbre, Fluid, Rouge Outdoors and Father Flanagan’s Irish bar for more wild times (and drink promotions). Roving band Hüttenpower will also perform from Oct 16-19 at various venues.
So party it up at the Erdinger Oktoberfest 2006. With such an array of food, drinks, music and games all planned out, it’s going to be a whole lot of fun. And as Marketing Manager of Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore Desmond Tan quips, “Just do as the Germans do—eat lots, drink loads and leave your car at home!” We couldn’t agree more.