Interview: Cherylene Liew

When did you realize you wanted to make singing a career? I always enjoyed singing in the choir at school. However, making it a career was not part of the original plan when I started my Bachelor of Music. In fact, it was my singing teacher who suggested it to me towards the end of my second year at university—when I had to decide what music specialization I wanted to pursue. I took his advice and here I am today.What piqued your interest in this particular concert?The theme of the concert was what piqued my interest. Just like the different roles in opera, women play a combination of roles in everyday life. These roles are often demanding but rewarding, and most importantly, add colour to our lives. The concert program gives us a glimpse of the strength of a woman’s character, something that even we women sometimes forget. I think that being part of this concert has allowed me to appreciate the real-life roles that I assume every day. I hope that somehow, this concert would not only be a treat to the ear, but also, a treat for the heart.Have you received any special gifts from fans?I did receive a potted plant from a fan/friend after a concert. I thought it pretty strange at first, but I suppose flowers to wilt. And a potted plant will last as long as you care for it.Singapore Lyric Opera Gala Concert Mother Daughter Wife and Lover A Celebration of Women in Opera is on November 23, 7:30pm at the Esplanade Concert Hall.