NUS Arts Festival 2007

Asha. Endowed with powerful vocals, singer-songwriter Asha will blow you away in this gig. Mar 21, 6:45pm. UCC Theatre Foyer. Free.
Broken River & Beyond: Tim O’Dwyer Trio. Aussie band Tim O’Dwyer Trio plays invigorating songs from their album Broken River. Listen out for an absorbing soundscape laced with jazz. Mar 4, 7:30pm. UCC Theatre. $20-25 from Sistic.
Bushmen. For good reggae and catchy hooks, local band Bushmen is a safe bet. Mar 2, 6:45pm. UCC Theatre Foyer. Free.
Electrico: Live In New Wave. Indie, pop, rock. Five-piece local outfit Electrico prepares to deliver funky aural food. Mar 2, 7:30pm. UCC Hall. $18-48 from Sistic.
E.P.I.C.. Citing Pink Floyd, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Hybrid as its influences, five-piece act E.P.I.C. flaunts an eclectic sound. Mar 24, 6:45pm. UCC Theatre Foyer. Free.
Heritage. One of the most respected veteran bands on our shores, Heritage creates music that has both Eastern and Western influences. Mar 3, 6:45pm. UCC Theatre Foyer. Free.
The Observatory. Six-piece local band The Observatory shines on stage with their blend of progressive and innovative sounds. Mar 25, 7:30pm. UCC Theatre. $18 from Sistic.
Press Play 2007 by NUS Electronic Music Lab (EML). Live sounds and recorded electronic music are fused with gripping visuals by members of the NUS Electronic Lab. Mar 16, 8pm. UCC Theatre, Green Room. $10 from Sistic.
Read My Lips: Lunarin. Homegrown talent Lunarin plays a few of their songs and explains the significance behind their lyrics. Mar 8, 7:30pm. UCC Theatre Foyer. Free.
Rockfest by NUS Halls of Residence. Students rock it out with music ranging from grunge to punk, emo to funk in this band showcase. Mar 10, 2pm. UCC Courtyard. Free.
Hip Hop Nite ’07 by NUS Dance Blast!. Various dance teams fight it out in this intense hip hop competition. Come see who’ll bag the coveted title. Mar 2, 8pm. UCC Courtyard. Free.
<< >>. NUS Chinese Drama investigates the notion of space in this play. Get some insight on how people utilize space to different ends. Mar 7, 7:30pm. UCC Theatre. $10 from Sistic.
Communicating Doors by NUS Sheares Hall. Spot some budding talents in this play that delves into time, destiny and relationships. Mar 10-11, 7:30pm. UCC Theatre. $14. Email [email protected] for tickets.
Read My Lips: X’Ho. X’Ho talks about his songwriting process. Mar 22, 7:30pm. UCC Theatre Foyer. Free.
Smoke Your Way Through!—Turntablism & More. Eminent local DJ KoFlow doles out advice on scratching and mixing in this workshop. Mar 24, 3pm. UCC Dance Studio. $10.
Tempestous Beasts. Scribes talk about inner turmoil, uncontrollable emotions, longing and torment in this reading. Starring Cyril Wong, Alfian Sa’at, Ng Yi-Sheng, Pooja Nansi and Haresh Sharma. Mar 22, 8pm. UCC Theatre Foyer. Free.
Womanity. Writer Catherine Lim, actor Nora Samosir, host Anita Kapoor, playwright Verena Tay and DJ Suzanne Walker entertain with readings and presentations. Mar 8, 8pm. UCC Theatre Foyer. Free.