We had a chat with Macy Gray before her amazing Podium Lounge F1 closing night

It’s been a year since you released your latest album, Stripped. What have you been working on since then?

I’m currently putting the finishing touches on my new studio album and it’s so amazing. I truly feel this is the best music I have ever done. In addition, I’ve already released some new material earlier this year that’s separate from what will be in the new album.

The approach for Stripped is very different from your past albums. Is that due to working with a new record label or is the approach something you’ve always wanted to do creatively?

I was coming off my last label and promoting my last album, THE WAY and it was something I always wanted to do, so the timing was just perfect to mix it up a little bit and have some fun.

I really enjoyed Lucy from your newest album. Is there a song on the album you particularly like?

It’s so hard to pick a favourite as I really love them all, but Lucy is definitely up there. It was very organic how we came up with that song while recording the album in an abandoned church in Brooklyn, New York.

Jazz is a genre you love dearly. How do you find the jazz scene in Asia and especially here, in Singapore?

That’s true, Jazz music will always be my first love. Jazz is so appreciated around the world and it’s so cool to see it continue to grow in places like Asia and specifically Singapore.

Singapore’s musicians and singers have been slowly, but surely, finding successes here and overseas. Are you fond of any of our local singers or bands?

I honestly can’t recall specific names or artists, but I’m always so impressed when I travel; how amazing the local music scene is. I would love to one day tour the country with more local musicians.

Any advice for Singaporeans who have aspirations as a musician?

Just make sure you master your craft and be the very best you can be. There are so many artists now trying to break through, so it’s imperative to truly put out amazing music and content.

You’re gonna perform at The Podium Lounge on Sep 17, on the final day of the exciting F1 race season in Singapore. How do you feel about that?

I mean, who better to close out an amazing event than Macy Gray. HAHA!

What can we expect from your performance at The Podium Lounge?

Just an amazing experience and everybody having a good time. Can’t wait to experience how people party in Singapore, but I’m planning to make sure they do.

While you’re here in Singapore, any plans to check out some of the local cuisine or attractions

Yes, fortunately I have some time to explore the city, so I’m definitely going to use that time wisely and make sure to take it all in. I’m trusting the incredible producers of The Podium Lounge will have amazing suggestions and make sure we get a true Singapore welcome.