Week In Weak Out: Seven new workouts in seven days

Like all of you, we think of ourselves as reasonably fit. Not obsessive about it, but, you know, not in bad shape considering how much eating, partying and TV drama-watching we do. Truth be told though, we’ve grown a little bored of our lazy gym routine and the occasional jog around the track. So when we heard about a host of new workouts that promised us not just a better body, but less time lifting weights and more fun while we were at it, we jumped at the chance. Of course, it wasn’t enough for us to just test them out: we set ourselves the ambitious and horribly ill-advised goal of trying them all within just one week. Here’s what happened:


How hopeful we were when the week began! Once we’d shaken off our post-weekend woes the prospect of a workout that would be over almost before it had begun had us pretty excited. That’s RIOT, a 30-minute regime that packs a series of cardio, calisthenics and weight-training exercises into a single session. It harnesses your own body weight, plus equipment such as kettle bells and TRX for a more structured workout.

“RIOT is a great way to work out and keep motivated with your friends,” says Dr. Lynn Yeo, owner and Director of new gym R-Evolution. “It’s short, intense, effective and fun.” We can’t really argue with that, though a more honest appraisal would have been “it’ll leave you lying on your back gasping like dying fish.”

We were tasked to perform a series of jumping jacks (60 reps), ring push-ups (20 reps), ab extensions (20 reps)… well, you get the idea. And that was just one circuit—we had to complete as many circuits as humanly possible within 30 minutes. Great for getting ripped in no time, not so great if you’ve spent all day Sunday at a Champagne brunch.

Where to do it: R-Evolution, #03-09 Vivocity, 1 HarbourFront Walk, 6376-9697, www.r-evolution.com.sg. $280/month for unlimited classes.


Ouch. Barely a day in and already our bodies were screaming stop. But the prospect of a workout mimicking animal movements and poses had piqued our interest, and we were hopeful at least one of them would be “sleeping cat”.

No such luck: Zuu (pronounced “zoo”) is a 30 or 45-minute, high-intensity workout featuring bizarre exercises like frog squats and bear crawls. There are over 100 different moves altogether.

According to Christian Mason, Virgin Active’s operations director for Southeast Asia, Zuu “improves mobility… and strengthens ligaments, tendons and inter-connective tissue through primal pattern movements.” But while they might be primal, it’s been a good 10 million years since man branched out from other animals, and it certainly felt like that long since we’d had to move like this.

We were actually quite good at the gorilla crawls (although apparently our lactate threshold sucks), less so the snake plank (moving up and down while holding a normal plank position, which actually felt pretty uncomfortable) and iguana push-ups. We also invented a new one: sweaty ape. We couldn’t fault the routine for novelty value, but we’re not rushing back.

Where to do it: Virgin Active, 6/F One Raffles Place, 1 Raffles Place, 6908-7878, www.virginactive.com.sg. Membership is priced at $42.50 a week and $170 per month.


By now we were desperately hoping for a second wind to kick in, or at least an excuse not to do any more damn squats. We’d tactically booked in for a session of Aerial Arts, figuring the gravity-defying, acrobatic moves would spare our knees. That they did, though hauling our own bodyweight up, over and through equipment like the trapeze, lyra (hoop) and silks for the best part of an hour was by no means easy,and despite some helpful guidance we’re still waiting on the call up from Cirque de Soleil.

It was a great core and upper body workout, though, and “by learning how to perform aerial tricks, you’ll improve your bodily awareness, coordination and mental concentration,” says Simply Yoga Director Annie Gan.

One thing we really didn’t want to concentrate on was how high the equipment seemed—if you suffer from vertigo (or, you know, are just looking for an excuse to sit out your third day of exercise in a row) you might want to give it a miss.

Where to do it: Simply Yoga, #03-23/24/25 Katong V, 30 East Coast Rd., 6348-6828, www.simplyyoga.sg. $200 for an 8-week aerial foundation class.


With the weekend approaching (and our arms now struggling with ultra-challenging tasks like, ahem, picking up pens) we figured we’d take things down a notch and sign up for a chilled out session of Surfset. We figured wrong.

Think of all the things that make surfing so difficult (nailing the right posture, having good balance, needing a strong core), take away the scenic setting and the water and you’re left with a tough, 45-minute session of surf-inspired moves on a static, floor-mounted (and purposefully unstable) board, incorporating planks, push-ups, paddling and even yoga poses. All this means you reap “the cardio benefits of spinning, the muscle toning of TRX training, and the improvement of core and balance all at once,” according to Melissa Goh, owner and instructor of Surfset Fitness.

Surfset doesn’t teach you how to surf (there’s Wave House Sentosa for that) but it targets the exact muscles needed for the sport. And it wasn’t nearly as mechanical as that makes it sound: you don’t get the zen effect of being out on the water, but just like the real thing there are plenty of hot bodies to ogle. And the afterburn lasted all the way to our workout the next day, which can only be a good thing (even if it felt like anything but at the time). The movements certainly came more naturally than in many of the other classes we tried.

Where to do it: Surfset, 454B Joo Chiat Rd., 9751-0793, www.surfset.sg. $35 for a single class; $165 for a package of five.


The folly of what we’d gotten ourselves into was now abundantly clear, and we knew we’d need something truly crazy to keep us motivated. Step forward Powerzeit! It’s a full body training exercise that uses neuromuscular electronic stimulation (NMES) to…who are we kidding? It’s a weird and wacky regime in which you get zapped to get fit.

Said to increase aerobic capacity, define muscles and fight cellulite, Powerzeit also allegedly prevents unnecessary exertion and pressure on your joints. “NMES is very scalable—athletes can complement their functional training, weekend warriors can keep fit and couch potatoes can overcome their motivational issues,” says Wolfgang Reeh, co-founder of Powerzeit.

There’s no denying it’s an unusual experience, though. Once we’d overcome our fear of having electricity passed through our body (and frankly we were in no state to resist by this point), we were fitted in a special damp outfit—for better conductivity!—before getting wired up. But it wasn’t nearly as bad as we’d feared: the instructor controls the intensity of the electrical impulses so we never felt too uncomfortable. We did, though, break into sweat after just two minutes, and we were knackered at the end of the 20-minute session. Was it interesting? Yes. And great if you’re lazy. Would we do it again? Doubtful.

Where to do it: Powerzeit, 4/F Equity Plaza, 20 Cecil St., 6536-6921, www.powerzeit.com. $30 per starter session; $70 for a single class.


We tried really, really hard not to treat ourselves to a night out after Powerzeit. But the less said about what happens when we try not to do something the better. So we were quietly relieved to have booked ourselves into a padded room to work off our hangover. Even better? When you go trampolining you can do as little or as much as you like within a one-hour slot.

Of course, once we realized the setup was basically a giant bouncy castle, kitted out with wall-to-wall trampolines and foam pits, the temptation to bounce around like a loon proved irresistible. And there’s some serious science behind it—according to a 1980 NASA study, 10 minutes of playing Spiderman equates to 30 minutes of cardio, and is more efficient and effective than running or swimming. What’s more, it supposedly increases bone density, preventing arthritis, and strengthening muscles you didn’t know you had (we can certainly testify to the not knowing part).

The downside? We can see it being pretty easy to hurt yourself (our backs were a little stiff after half an hour). Says Sky Ong of AMPED Singapore, “It’s safe, although we’ve had a few injuries when people get overambitious while doing trick jumps.”

Where to do it: AMPED Singapore, 2/F, 369 Tanjong Katong Rd., 8669-4894, ampedsingapore.com. $9-$15 per hour.


The end of the week couldn’t come soon enough; though we had to reluctantly admit feeling much fitter than we had when we started out. Perhaps mixing things up like this wasn’t such a bad thing after all. And thankfully we’d saved one of the most interesting offerings till last.

At Stand Up Paddleboarding (or SUP) Yoga we paddled out 25 meters from Tanjong Beach to perform basic yoga asanas, from sun salutations to back bridges, on a 10-foot long board. Similar to Surfset you’re working your core so as not to keep shaking and falling off the board—it was a less challenging workout but so much more fun for being out in the elements. You have to hold your balance as the waves roll in and, of course, avoid capsizing the board. They don’t even really mind you cooling off in the water: “More people are willing to try handstands at SUP Yoga,” says Ellen Goel of 22 Experience, “as you fall into the water, instead of onto hard ground.”

All things considered, a pretty great way to end a pretty tough week. Who knew Singapore sunsets were that pretty?

Where to do it: 22 Experience (8421-5021, www.22experience.com) holds a session ($55) every last Sunday of the month at Tanjong Beach. Weekly YogaFitness classes ($50 upwards) are available at SUP School Singapore, Tanjong Beach, Sentosa, 9638-5565, www.supschool.com.sg).

We speak to Derrick Foo, founder of Palm Avenue Float Club to find out what the fuss is all about with sensory deprivation tanks. Also, check out these four new gym routines around town!