Yoga’s so last year—try loaded movement training instead

Pilates and novel yoga variations are moving aside for brute force, or rather, loaded movement training, in the fitness world. The new It workout mixes resistance training with task-oriented movement patterns using equipment like kettlebells and ViPR, that meter-long log that weighs anywhere between 4-20kg. Not only do you get fitter, you are able to carry out everyday tasks more effectively—so no more wheezing when loading your car boot with groceries.

Currently, many big gyms here have started offering loaded movement training in the form of ViPR, Kettlebells and TRX classes. According to Tommy Yau, National Fitness Manager of Fitness First Singapore, “Such exercises have been proven to be at least 50% more effective than fixed machine training for strength, speed, endurance and flexibility.” 

Here are four classes that have caught our eye:

Vipr Vibes

Where: Virgin Active

What: In this 30-minute class, you’ll be carrying, flipping, swinging and rolling the ViPR. The exercises emphasize three dimensional movements, and are great for developing functional strength.


Where: Fitness First

What: Similar to the class offered by Virgin Active, this 30-minute workout offers a range of ViPR weights and intensities, making it accessible for all fitness levels (so don’t fret if you’ve not lifted anything heavier than your handbag in a long time). 

Swing It

Where: UFIT Urban Fitness

What: This 30-minute lunchtime class will have you swinging a kettlebell every other way. It’ll cover major kettlebell exercises like two-handed kettlebell swings, and is great for building your muscular endurance and aerobic capacity.

KB Functional Fit

Where: AlphaFit

What: Kettlebell classes here are typically an hour long, and include dynamic warm ups and various kettlebell lifts. Once again, they focus on building functional strength.  

Read our Q&A with Declan Halpin (head physiotherapist at Radiance PhysioFit) about the benefits of loaded movement training here