Convenient water-saving hacks for busy households

, Convenient water-saving hacks for busy households
Photo: iStock

There are a myriad of ways in which we as a community can contribute to a more sustainable water future. Incorporating simple habits into your daily routine, such as reusing water and purchasing water-efficient fittings and appliances, can help save water. Collectively, they can make a significant impact to our environment. 

Every drop counts; you don’t have to wait for Singapore World Water Day (celebrated throughout the month of March) or World Water Day (held annually on Mar 22) just to save water. 

According to the latest household water consumption study conducted by national water agency PUB, showers, toilets, kitchens, and laundry comprise a whopping 81 percent of this household usage. 

Adopting a water-conscious lifestyle doesn’t require drastic changes. Here are five hassle-free water-saving practices that you can start today.

1. Repurpose your water: Give your vegetables a good soak to remove any dirt or debris. But don’t throw out the water! Instead, use this water to pre-rinse your dishes before washing them with clean water. This simple step can save several litres of water per wash cycle.

, Convenient water-saving hacks for busy households
Photo: okeykat/Unsplash

2. Shower within one song: Challenge yourself to be done in the span of your favourite song (no, we don’t mean Taylor Swift’s 10-minute breakup song All Too Well). Choose one that’s about three to four minutes long. For every minute saved during shower time, you can save up to nine litres of water. Don’t forget to turn off the tap (and pause the timer) while you’re soaping to buy yourself more time.

, Convenient water-saving hacks for busy households
Photo: Tanner Marquis/Unsplash

3. Hack your plant watering routine: Water your plants in the early morning or late evening to reduce evaporation rate, leading to less water used to keep them fresh. You can also toss leftover ice cubes from your drinks into your potted plants, too. As the ice melts slowly, it releases water directly to the roots, reducing the need to water them as often as before.

, Convenient water-saving hacks for busy households
Photo: Marc Schulte/Unsplash

4. Get ahead of your leaks: Did you know leaks in your home can account for two litres of wasted water per hour? Water stains, mould or peeling material under the sink area could be a tell-tale sign that you might have a sneaky leak. Turn off all taps and appliances using water and monitor your water meter for at least 10 minutes. If the meter dial moves, there is a leak. Always remember to engage a licensed plumber to help with any suspected leaks.

, Convenient water-saving hacks for busy households
Photo: Zac Gudakov/Unsplash

5. Look out for three or four ticks: Time to replace a home appliance? Prioritise the environment by choosing a water-efficient appliance with the highest rating under the Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme (WELS). The more water-efficient a model is, the more ticks it will be rated with Find out more about WELS rated products here.

Bonus Tip: Planning to purchase or replace your water appliances? The enhanced Climate Friendly Household Programme helps households with their purchase of more efficient appliances, making sustainable choices more accessible. All HDB households can redeem $300 worth of digital Climate Vouchers from Apr 15 2024 to purchase water or energy efficient fittings or appliances.

By incorporating these simple and convenient water-saving habits, you can make a significant difference for our planet and even your water bill.

A more sustainable water future

This Singapore World Water Day 2024 (SWWD), PUB continues to reinforce the importance of water conservation at home and encourages households to embrace water-efficient habits through the campaign “Save Water. Big ways, small ways. All OK!”. 

PUB’s partners will host various initiatives to raise awareness on Singapore’s water story and inspire action towards water sustainability. Community events, such as the World Water Day Carnival jointly organised by Bedok Green Secondary School in collaboration with Fengshan Community Club on Mar 30, aim to encourage water-saving practices among the community. 

Participating schools and organisations will dedicate Wednesdays in March to conduct water rationing exercises, engage in water-centric activities, and hold conversations about water sustainability. 

In celebration of SWWD, retail partners will also be offering “Blue Deals” – exclusive promotions on products that help consumers save water – to promote responsible water consumption.

Follow PUB on Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok for the latest updates.

Text (edited) courtesy of PUB.