Nine years after he won the title, we might now have seen the last of plucky Australian Lleyton Hewitt on the hallowed grass of Wimbledon; but this Aussie bar is still a solid bet for catching the remaining matches. With nine plasma screens, and tables and chairs spilling out onto the riverbank it attracts a crowd that could rival Murray Mount for good cheer and noise. Come (very) early if you want any hope of grabbing a seat.
#01-15 The Quayside, 60 Robertson Quay, 6738-1077. Open daily 8am-3am. Tanglin 56
Quieter and more refined than any sports bar, this is a great place to come if you want to hear and not just see the action from Centre Court. (Although if the ladies still in the draw keep up their grunting, we’re not sure that’s such a good idea.) They are screening all the games, so you won’t miss a thing. It’s a nice and breezy spot, too—although don’t tell the Wimbledon organizers else they try and slap a roof on it and spoil all the fun.
#B1-02, 56 Tanglin Rd., 6733-5600. Open daily 11am-late.
Brewerkz Indoor Stadium
It’s impossible to watch high-quality tennis and not want to pick up a racquet yourself. In our experience you’re better off doing that before you start drinking; but it’s your call. Either way, this popular outpost of everyone’s favorite riverside microbrewery is the perfect spot—it’s barely 10 minutes walk from the Kallang Tennis Centre (52 Stadium Rd., 6348-1291). With five plasma screens screening scorching tennis action, you can channel your best Rafa Nadal impression before or after you watch the great man play.
#01-06/06/K1 Singapore Indoor Stadium, 2 Stadium Walk, 6345-9905. Open Mon-Thu 5pm-midnight; Fri-Sat noon-1am; Sun noon-midnight.