A big shiny box (OK, not that shiny) popped up on my desk one fine afternoon. On it reads: Open Up. Feel The Love. So open it I did and out spilled the contents–a kaleidoscope, magnet, a pack of mints, handkerchief, bottled water and a glo-stick. Turns out they’re actually party accessories that SingTel came up with for the beach party this weekend. Dancing to wild abandon won’t be the only thing on the cards come Saturday. Zouk and its partners have conjured up an enticing range of ‘exclusive’ merchandise for you to carry around and bring home. And how not to, as this year will be ZoukOut’s 10th do. So all the more ‘exclusive’.
I understand about the water, glo-stick, hanky (cheekily named Panky Hanky) and mint bits but kaleidoscope? What do I or any inebriated punter need a kaleidoscope for? The whole beach will be lit up in fancy-schmancy lights and colors. Still, props must be given to the telco for dreaming of these party stuff which is in fact inspired by a Tiesto album, Kaleidoscope. You can get these (via a talking vending machine) if you’re in the SingTel Kaleidoscope area and yes, you have to be a SingTel mobile subscriber to get in. Did I mention there’s free flow for guests from 8-11pm? Probably the most useful and practical ZoukOut merch are the ‘exclusive’ Havaianas flip flops. Yes. Flip flops. Who doesn’t mind a brand new pair of Brazilian rubbers at the end of a 12-hr long dance-a-thon? Only 1000 pieces of these babies are available and you can get them at the party for about $40. The only sad thing about it is that the cool design on the footbed gets covered once you wear them.