Attica is 10 years old and all made over

At the end of this month, Clarke Quay clubbing staple, Attica is officially a decade old. Not only are they planning an extremely festive week, they’ve undergone a complete overhaul while still managing to remain open.

Expect the same vibe and chart-topping music–but in an entirely new surrounding. The first floor features an art-light installation and refurbished interiors, while the second floor arena has installed a floating effect DJ booth platform. There are also two brand new VIP platforms for those bottle-crazy nights and re-designed bars.

The two alfresco areas are not neglected with the inner courtyard boasting a new bar area and raised seating booths. Outside the club, Bar Rose will serve as a meeting point and pre-party destination as you sip on drinks while watching the sun set by the riverfront.

Celebrate Attica’s 10th anniversary while sneaking in a peek at the brand new space by heading over to one of these nights: