Former LGBT club Peaches reopens into a Thai Disco

One might describe the former LGBTQ-friendly nightclub Peaches’ almost one-year run as “rocky”.

First, it took over the underground spot at York Hotel from Cherry Discotheque in November 2017 when it debuted, then, it relocated to Concorde Hotel’s dodgy basement in April 2018. And despite the club’s popularity and loyal fanbase, numbers fell rapidly, which led to its eventual closure on Oct 31, 2018. Now, in an interesting turn of events, Peaches re-opened at Concorde Hotel earlier this year; except it’s no longer LGBTQ+ focused—it’s been transformed into a Thai disco.

The nightclub confirmed its (re)opening in a Facebook post on Feb 18, promising a “Thai-thrilling experience“, before officially announcing its soft launch party on Mar 1. Previously a joint venture between Cherry Discotheque and now-closed gay club Play, Peaches is currently managed by a discreet owner, who runs the next door Thai Disco, One Min – Club Easy too, making Peaches One Min’s sister club and the new Thai disco concept a little more evident.

With so many things still up in the air, we can’t confirm if Peaches’ current owner was ever a part of the former LGBTQ+ Peaches, or know how talks might have gone down (if there were even any) when obtaining the club, although we’d imagine that the revamp and re-opening would have taken quite a bit of effort.

And it shows. Open from 11pm to 6am, Peaches now hosts the quintessential Thai disco nights, just like One Min and other Thai clubs. Much of its previous decor has also been removed to make room for a new stage and more tables, although the iconic peach neon signage remains, leaving some of the former Peaches essence behind.

Not much has been heard about the revival of Peaches, or it’s transformation into a Siam Diu. In fact, it seems as if its programmes are solely marketed on Facebook and only targeted at Thai club regulars.

But while Peaches’ new concept may seem unideal, especially with the lack of LGBTQ+ clubs and safe spaces, the club may be in good hands, since it’s associated with One Min, which is known to be loved by frequent Siam Diu-goers.

Hit up the new Peaches, if you please. Just don’t expect it to be the Peaches we once knew.

Club Peaches is open from 11pm-6am daily, at Concorde Hotel Singapore. More information here, and check out a walk-through of the current space here.