Shanghai’s Bar Rouge is coming to Singapore, taking over New Asia Bar’s former space

<p>Nightlife institution New Asia Bar is no more. If you were one of those who made it to the closing revelry in June, we&#39;re sure it was a memorable affair for you, the regular party-goers and staffers alike.</p>
<p>But the floor-to-ceiling windows of the space, which offers one of the best views of the city, will soon be put to good use once again. Coming to the 71st floor of Swissotel The Stamford in the near future (we suspect an early Sep opening) will be Bar Rouge Singapore, the first and only export of Shanghai&rsquo;s iconic bund-side nightlife brand, Bar Rouge.</p>
<p>We&rsquo;re really looking forward to seeing what this first foray of the rooftop club will be like in Singapore, especially if the scene at the Shanghai one is any indication of what to expect. We&#39;re picturing swanky interiors, a French-Shanghai aesthetic and weekends packed with those hoping to take in the panoramic vistas only available from the vantage afforded at the top floors of the Equinox Complex.</p>
<p>Little else is known at this point about the opening, except that entry by cover charge will surely still be implemented. Will the secret password (Shanghai&rsquo;s one is &ldquo;Miss Rouge&rdquo;), if there&rsquo;s even one, to gain complimentary entry into Bar Rouge Singapore before midnight even be the same? Will the helipad on the rooftop still be open to the public once every month? We&rsquo;re not sure yet. In the meantime, we&#39;ll be watching Bar Rouge Shanghai&rsquo;s <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>page</strong></a> for updates.</p>