Chijmes will have a nightclub again

As Chijmes gears up for a full opening by the year end, there are still some new tenants moving in. And this time, it’s neither a restaurant nor a bar.

Slated to open in August, this club is opened by the guys behind Tras Street cocktail bar, H.O.D (House of Dandy). Though the complex was once home to Club Lava and Insomnia, Rakes is set to be the sole nightclub here now (so far anyway) and will occupy a sprawling basement space near bars like Highlander and Berlin. From the sound of it, the club will have a super-luxe “modern playhouse” vibe, complete with bottle service, red velvet pillars, brass gold details and lots of dark timber wood. There will also be lights and visual effects by Steve Lieberman, a lighting designer who has worked on places like NYC’s Lavo club and XS Nightclub in Las Vegas.

Plus, the same guys are also opening a restaurant that’s slated to open in July. Although not much information is known yet, Raven has a local chef in the kitchen.