Da Paolo Pizza Bar

Da Paolo Pizza Bar continues to be a trendy hangout that draws your typical Holland V crowd. Its familiar cow print ceilings, wooden tables and an enormous wine rack create a casual ambiance, and everytime we’ve been there, almost everything we’ve had is good, such as the thin-crusted pizza with tomato, mozzarella, pink peppercorns, avocado and chicken.

Also good are the sinful profiteroles. Other selections available include sandwiches, potato balls, meat balls, grilled tuna salad, seafood pizza and lemon meringue tart. And this place has a comprehensive selection of cocktails, Italian wines and liquors too. The people of Da Paolo Pizza Bar certainly know the ingredients for a good time out.

It’s more than just dough and cheese at these gourmet pizza joints: expect lovingly hand-crafted pizzas with an imaginative array of toppings and perfectly blistered crust. Check out our top 10 pizza places.