Chain Reaction (Women’s Fashion)

1. Ginette Chittick
Programme manager at LASALLE School of the Arts
, Chain Reaction (Women’s Fashion)
“Some of my favorite local labels are owned by friends. I love Stolen by Elyn Wong and bags by Ling Wu. Yuki Mitsuyasu makes really clever jewelry that I love. She designed Shawn and my wedding rings!”
2. Ling Wu
Bag designer
, Chain Reaction (Women’s Fashion)
“There are a few local labels that I like and one of them is In Good Company stocked at Front Row, but the most notable of all is Mash-Up, which has heaps of potential.”
3. Daniela Monasterios Tan (extreme right)
Creative director at Mash-Up
, Chain Reaction (Women’s Fashion)
Actually‘s full of fun labels and always have surprising DIY elements in their visual display.”
4. Paul Khor
Founder of Actually
, Chain Reaction (Women’s Fashion)
“Both the Rockstar by Soon Lee outlets (at Orchard Cineleisure and 22 Orchard Rd.) and stock great brands like Pointer and Loreak Mendian, and offer a very relaxing and welcoming atmosphere that keeps me coming back.”
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