Singapore Sparks Interview: Donna Tang of TinyFry’s

How would you describe TinyFry’s if it was a person?TinyFry’s is everyone’s favorite uncle, a kindly, approachable fellow with a twinkle in his eye and time for everyone. He is someone who knows when to just let you be yourself and when to dispense advice.Describe the moment you realized you wanted to turn this into a business venture. My “eureka” moment was when I went to buy a camera about two years ago. The salesperson said, “Aiyah, why you want Canon, buy Nikon lah better!” I still left with the Canon G11 I wanted, but somehow felt less excited about it. That was when I realized that while gadgets have become easier and more fun to use, shopping for them hadn’t changed—it was still unnecessarily stressful.Why do you think TinyFry’s worksin Singapore?Our Millenia Walk outlet looks like a fast food restaurant and the one at Republic Plaza looks like a bakery—I think it is this that attracts people through our doors. Once inside, customers will realize that our product offerings are unusual and our prices low and transparent.What do you think of the Singapore startup scene?There seem to be more young entrepreneurs now than ever (or perhaps I’m just getting old) and that heartens me. I sincerely hope they are getting the support they need from financial institutions, the government, media, customers and fellow businesses.Whose work do you admire most? I first met the managing director of Spa Esprit Group, Cynthia Chua, as a young writer many years ago. Her vision, energy and nose for trends impressed me then and still do.Any advice for a fellow entrepreneur?It’s wise to surround yourself with people whose strengths are the exact things you’re weak in.